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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
The movie Braveheaert is a Scottish tale. It starts off by showing Scottish men and women going into a meeting in a barn to discuss truce amongst the war that they are having with the English. What they didn't know was that they were being lowered into a trap where they were hung. William as a young boy saw what had happened to them. His father was a leader in the rebel forces of the …

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…but he spits out the potion. He is now taken to be tortured and humiliated in front of the English people. He is tortured and laid down on cross where he is going to be killed. But before that happens, he yells "FREEDOM" and the people are amazed. Then they decapitate him. The legend of William Wallace has died. <Tab/>"Every man dies, but not every man really lives" (William Wallace)