Brave new world

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Literature > English
About "brave New World": In After Ford 632, this is 632 years after Ford has released the first T-Ford ( year 2535 in our world), there is a World Society. People are made in bottles and conditioned to do predestinated work. People have no family, marriage doesn't exist. People are taught to serve the production, to reach the state's motto: "Community, Indentity and Stability". People also are made in different grades of intelligence. In the "brave new world", there …

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…in the squalor of the Reservation grows old, sick, and fat without the medical care that keeps people physically young in Utopia sleeps with many of the Indians according to her Utopian behavior and never understands why the women despise her or why the community makes John an outcast when she returns to London, she takes ever-increasing doses of soma, always considered to have no side-effects and stays perpetually high- until the drug kills her