"Brave New World" vs. Today's Society

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" has several striking similarities to today's society. The World State and today's world utilize comparable methods of promoting consumption and they also experience some of the same problems in society, though different practices are used to prevent or suppress them. There are also other significant differences that inhibit our society into becoming a dystopian society. In the World State, the government overpowers everything; it is a totalitarian government. All freedom …

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…measure taken to stabilize society is the restraint on science, history, and arts. To us these things are highly significant; most could not live without them. To the citizens of the World State, they are irrelevant and even repulsive. Culture from the past is actively suppressed, since it might incite the spark that could threaten social stablility. It could challenge all the very foundation of society. If stability is endangered, so is the utopian world.