Brave New World vs. 1984

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Essay Database > Literature > English
There are lots of ways to compare 1984 by George Orwell to Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. They both have to do with very futuristic ideas. I noticed that they both had basically the same character structure. In 1984, there is the leading lady Julia, and in Brave New World, there is Lenina Crowne. The main male character in 1984 is of course Winston Smith, and the leading man in Brave New World is a cross between …

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…even be brainwashed then be hiding my true thoughts and living in fear. Overall, I think both books were very cleverly written and excellent examples for what novels about the future should be like. I think the most common topic for stories is rebellion. Think of Animal Farm which is also by George Orwell. It has to do with animals rebelling against the farmers. The topic of futuristic rebellion is used in lots of ways.