"Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley.

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In society, people wish and pray that emotions and the pain they cause could be erased from human experience. People don't like being responsible for their emotions. However, in Brave New World, Huxley distorts the concept of commitment to prove that all emotions are necessary to being. Without commitment to religion, people become shallow and dehumanized. In Brave New World, Bernard doesn't participate in the Solidarity Service because he wants the change that comes with …

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…and never be bothered with emotion, or they can encounter emotion but also know the satisfaction and fulfillment of commitment. In light of what we do to those we love today, the physical could be a kinder option. However, this regime of universal well-being would entail our losing something very precious. Huxley creates a society that has no emotion or commitment. Through his distortions, however, he reveals people shouldn't always want what they wish for.