Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Aldous Huxley saw problems with the world, and he wrote a novel about a fictional solution. In his novel, Brave New World, people of the distant future are part of a radical new society. the planners of this utopic system of social organization seek to abolish inequalities among humans, social unrest, war, unhappiness, and the miserable human condition. Although this utopia is set hundreds of years into the future, it contains elements of our contemporary …

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…the sacrifice of the pleasures of life. Huxley is saying that people need to be free. Authors Note: In order to improve this essay, I would suggest that the thesis be more suported in the body of the paper, and there should be more specific reference to the book. My grade on this paper was braught down because I only supported the thesis in the conclusion. Then again, my teacher was an extremely tough grader.