Brave New World: What elements from the Malpais Reservation and the Brave New World could be used for a better society? Explain a third way of life.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
In our world there is much pain and suffering, especially in the poorest countries. Infectious diseases, like the ones that plague the Savage Reservation in New Mexico, are killing thousands of people nowadays. Then, the treatment that citizens of the Brave New World receive to avoid illnesses and their cleanliness would be useful in an ideal society so as to improve and even save many people's lives. Bernard explains how it works in Chapter VII: " …

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…the diseases I mentioned before, it should help to erradicate infectious and hereditary ones. To conclude, I strongly believe that a third way should be a combination between "Beauty and Truth" from the Savage Reservation and "Comfort and Happiness" from the Brave New World. The issues mentioned above are the best aspects of each lifestyle that should be part of an ideal society. It is, of course, an open interpretation, but it is worth trying.