Brave New World

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
April 19,1999 Customs and conventions force people into a mold *form*. In this way, human beings are prevented from enjoying personal fulfillment in their lives. However, is the lack of personal freedom justified if the mold people are forced into creates social stability? A social stability that creates personal fulfillment, however, is as artifical as the people that enjoy it. In Brave New World the people, for the most part, are robots made of flesh and …

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…not have the true purpose of what fulfillment really is. However, that character will be limited by those in power to a few small islands around the world where threats to social stability are sent. The creation of social stability, as achieved in Brave New World, is not something the world should try to accomplish. For without art, Shakespeare, culture, history, God and individuals this Brave New World is no better than the old one.