Brave New World

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Canadian Oxford Dictionary defines individual as: 1. Particular person: a particular person, distinct from others in a group. 2. Separable from others: singular and separable from others in a group or class. Based on this definition, we can definitely affirm the Aldous Huxley, Brave New World society is not based on individualism. Our society is based of people with different point of views, emotions, feelings, and characters. This is what creates a real society, where everybody …

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…novel was written. It is not true that progress in science solves all problems that the human being is confronted and this is what Huxley wanted to show. In my opinion, it does not matter how far technologies will go in the future, it does not matter the more revolutionary techniques that will be available, what really matters is the way in which the human one will make use of it which will change anything.