Brave New World

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Brave New World Aldous Huxley relates many passages and ideas to each other throughout Brave New World. While there are a multitude of passages juxtaposed in this novel, there are only three distinct types. The first, and most important, being the use of similarity between passages to cumulatively criticize an aspect of modern life. Secondly, essentially forming a debate with conversation between characters and finally, the contrast between situations, places, and people which, in turn, …

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…each other the two worlds hold many physical similarities but beyond that they are very different. Society today is still primarily based on the individual where as Utopia is fully based on the population as a whole. Huxley uses these contrasting natures to further prove his themes. Using these three methods of juxtaposition Huxley effectively criticizes multiple sections of society without ever making any direct statements, intrinsically making a shortcut in both style and conclusion.