"Brain Washing" This is a free form paper talking about brain washing and George Orwell's novel "1984."

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George Orwell wrote 1984 in a time of growing technology, and as he saw it, growing governmental power. Orwell predicted that the government was going to use, and perhaps had already begun, to use brainwashing techniques, to control populations. Orwell wrote 1984, filling it with methods of brainwashing. Modernly, Dick Stuphen, an expert, wrote a great deal about brainwashing in his The Battle for Your Mind. In it Stuphen writes about three distinct mental phases to brainwashing. …

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…all emotion except for love for Big Brother. In the end, this is the equivalent of having no emotion. Finally, Orwell included many brainwashing convincing techniques that are confirmed by Stuphen. Perhaps these techniques will one day be used as Orwell predicted. Or have they already begun to use them as Stuphen suggests at them end of his writings? Source: Dick Stuphen. "The Battle for Your Mind." <www.ctyme.com/bwash/bwash.htm>