Brain Drain and High Taxes

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Brain Drain and High Taxes: Is there a correlation? Introduction: Campaigners against high taxes use the problem of brain drain as the perfect scapegoat to portray themselves as defenders of national interest. Brain drain is a pejorative description of the tendency for skilled workers to seek employment away from their own country. Canada can relate to the brain drain problem and its worst enemy is the United States. The drain of knowledge started off as …

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…asp.) Education Quarterly Review, 2000, Vol.6, No.3. "Brain Drain and Brain Gain: The Migration of Knowledge Workers from and to Canada." Statistics Canada Catalogue no.81-003. Human Resource Development Canada (HRDC) and Industry Canada. 1999. "International Migration of Skilled Workers: Facts and Factors." Speirs, Rosemary. "Tax Surprise: Most of us pay less than Americans in Canada, it's only the better off who folk out more." Toronto Star 6 Nov.1999. Online posting 2 Nov. 2000 (