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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Brachiopod Brachiopods are bivalved marine invertabrates that constitute a separate group, Brachiopoda. Brachiopods were prominent shell fish in many continental-shelf sea environments for about 250 million years, from the Ordovician into the Permian periods. In the Cambrian, some were prominent in nearshore environments. Since the end of the Paleozoic, clams appear to have been the prominent marine benthic bivalved animal in environments previously inhabited by brachiopods. Today, brachiopods are found in many habitats in nearly all …

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…the sea floor. As bottom dwellers they are vulnerable to rapid rates of sedimentation and to predation. They have proved valuable as a means of dating rocks. Also, paleontologists working with Paleozoic rocks have used them to establish the depth of the ancient sea floor during different periods; different types appear to have been distributed in bands paralleling ancient shorelines, and the bands of particular types of brachiopods can be correlated with differing sea-floor depths.