Bound by differences

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Kosovo Liberation Army is still in the midst of peace talks with NATO. The peace talks came after a temporary halt in the slaughter of Serbians and Albanians living in Kosovo. (Oregonian, Front Section A4, pp. 6) The most recent genocide in Kosovo has been the result of long-standing grudges between the Albanians and Serbians living in Kosovo and was developed from opposing views over social and political domination of Albania. The current differences in …

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…of that land for short periods of time through the decades. The conflict has culminated in putting each other in death camps and killing civilians by snipers. Still, Albanians have continued to push for independence in Kosovo, a resolution that may be far from reality. The long-standing grudges between the Albanians and the Serbians will continue to fuel the state of war in Kosovo, until one party eliminates the other or a resolution is reached.