Bosola Character Analysis

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"Much has been claimed for Bosola's repentance by the end of the play, but in fact, he has changed little.' A Character Study of BOSOLA We are introduced to Bosola by Delio in Act 1 Sc 1 as 'a fellow seven years in the galleys for a notorious murder'. The audience immediately sees him as an evil character capable of murder. Even though Antonio perceives him as a potentially valiant character "He's very valiant', he also …

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…he speaks of wanting to 'save your life' and lamenting on 'this world a tedious theatre'. Hence, it is NOT a change of character from evil to good that we see in Bosola, but a battle of his conscience with his evil deeds. He was never an evil character, only one who was bitter about his situation and who in seeing the integrity and stoism displayed by the Duchess, realised the own quality within himself.