Born to be good? What motivates us to be good, bad or indifferent towards others?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
People of the world have changed dramatically in recent years. Many of the customs are still in use as they were hundreds of years ago, but the emphasis on how to maintain those customs has changed. People are not as friendly as they once were because many human beings cannot be trusted. People have taken advantage of loyalty and honor as well as the laws that govern certain actions. The inequality and indifference towards human …

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…people and issues they way I want to be treated. With respect and dignity. When society and the people of the world begin to think that way, it would be a better place. Born to be good? 6 References Kitzinger, Celia (1999) Born to be good? What motivates us to be good, bad or indifferent towards Others? In J. Post, A. Lawrence and J. Weber (Eds.), Contemporary Business Issues with Readings (pp. 375-376, Reading 3). New York: McGraw-Hill