Born on the Fourth of Juily

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Born on the Fourth of July greatly relates to my life. The story has many analogies to my process of thinking. I never served in Vietnam, yet I feel like I experience the same things in my life. Ron Kovic does a great job in his story. We can visualize the images he is talking about because he uses very descriptive adjectives. The images he projects may have a different setting and characters, yet I …

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…of July bring out a lot of thoughts in my head. Being unappreciated, looking out for another person’s future, and being honored are all things that we need to be aware of. I’m sure these examples will come across to you at some point in your life and Don Kovic does a great job of helping us visualize previous examples. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Just the book Born on the Fourth of July is needed.