Born on the 4th of July by Ron Kovic.. Book report and personal view, also compares and contrasts the movie a bit

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Born On the Fourth of July By: Ron Kovic <Tab/>This book reveals the courage and hardship Ron Kovic possessed throughout his life and throughout the Vietnam war. Ron Kovic grew up in the town of Massapequa, New York. He begins telling us his story right after he was paralyzed on one of the beaches in Vietnam. He tells of the horrors of the VA hospitals and how they never really …

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…his life or living my life right next to his. The statement "Things aren't always what they seem", left a great impression on me. That statement is extremely valued in ways of Governmental issues. There's so much that we as Americans can never know the whole truth about. Ron Kovic's story opened up many people's eyes to what actually had happened over there in Vietnam, and what actually happened to him when he arrived home.