Borderline Personality Disorder - Understanding It, History, Treatment, Closing - Includes Outline and Bibliography

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OUTLINE I.Understanding Borderline Personality A.Common Stereotypes B.Characteristics & Symptoms 1.Fear of Abandonment 2.Impulsivity & Self-Damaging Behavior 3.Difficulty Controlling Anger 4.Brief Psychotic Episodes C.Prevalence in Society 1.Celebrity & Film Example II.History of Classification A.Personality Organization B.Atypical Form of Other Personality Disorders C.Independent Disorder III.Causal & Contributory Factors A.Psychoanalytic 1.Object-Relations Theory 2.Developmental Model B.Childhood Abuse IV.Treatment Methods A.Psychoeducational Approach 1."Joining" 2."Multiple Family Group" Sessions …

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…A psychoeducational approach. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 61(4), 446. EBSCO Host, AN 503348. Hyler, S. (1997). Using commercially available films to teach about borderline personality disorder. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 61(10) 458. EBSCO Host, AN 505349. McGinn L. (1998). Interview. Americal Journal of Psychotherapy, 52(2), 191. EBSCO Host, AN 953776. Nehls, N. (2000). Recovering: A Process of Empowerment. Advances in Nursing Science, 22(4) 62. Swales, M., Heard, H., & Williams J. (2000). Linehan's Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) for borderline personality disorder: Overview and adaptation. Journal of Mental Health, 9(1) 7.