Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Borderline Personality Disorder Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is the most researched personality disorder in psychology today. Individuals with BPD exhibit patterns of behavior which cause disruptions in mood, identity and interpersonal relationships. Characteristics include impulsivity, which is usually self damaging, such as acts of self-mutilation, alcohol or drug abuse, eating disorders and suicide tendencies. BPD's have stormy relationships that are chaotic and intense with often times desperate fears of abandonment. Having problems with object constancy …

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…over time the patient can build a nurturing environment and improve personal relationships. The patient can, with proper therapy and medication, live in the world with some confidence. It is also necessary to treat any additional addiction issues that are so commonly present in BPD patients through group therapy and supportive twelve-step. Because it is such a well known disorder, there are many resources and groups to support a person with BPD in their recovery.