Border Patrol- Career Report

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Rory Martinovic Brian Adams Political Science 102 Research Paper November 19, 2003 Border Patrol/Border Security Border security is both simple and complex issue at the same time. Border security is the job of the Border Patrol, the task of the Border Patrol is to, "To detect and prevent the illegal entry of aliens into the United States. Together with other law enforcement officers, the Border Patrol helps maintain borders that work - facilitating the flow of legal …

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…Save Immigrants:Tear Down Our Wall." The Multiracial Activist. August/September 2001. 11 November 2003. <>. "NBPC President T.J. Bonner meets briefly with Speaker of the House J. Dennis Hastert." NATIONAL BORDER PATROL COUNCIL. 7 Janurary 2003. 15 November 2003. <>. "Overview." U.S. Border Patrol. 21 Feburary 2003. 12 November 2003. <>