Book review of Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
BOOK REPORT DARKNESS AT NOON Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler is a fiction story, which depicts the life of what appears to be a Bolshevik member during the revolutionary periods of Russia. Although the author doesn't name the country where the story line takes place nor does he give real names, it's pretty obvious Koestler is writing about Russia (Country of the Revolution), Stalin (Number One), Lenin (the old man with the slanting tartar …

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…believed. Koestler doesn't give specific references when referring to people, places and events forcing the reader to think about the different countries that this could have occurred in. Darkness at Noon is not a book I would highly recommend to a friend or comrade. I felt the book was wordy, hard to understand and definitely not written for your average fiction book reader. The book is to painstaking at times, depressing and frankly it's boring.