Book review for "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
This book left a very deep impression in my mind. In the past, the books which I read all had beautiful girls as the heroine of the story. This book, "Jane Eyre", however, wrote about a girl who dared to fight against all the injustices in front of her and strive for a better life. Jane's character made me learn a lot from her. Jane Eyre was unfortunate to have so many struggles in her …

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…to strive for the better. I truly admire her bravery and tenacity to defy the odds. After reading this book, I am very motivated. I have learnt that as long as we feel whatever we are doing is correct, we should go ahead and do it, without bothering what others have to say. I have decided to regard Jane Eyre as my model and be someone who dares to fight for one's dream and future.