Book report on "The old man and the sea"

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Essay Database > Literature
"The Old Man and the Sea" Ernest Hemingway, 128 pages, published by Charles Scribner Santiago, an old and unsuccessful fisherman, found a sense of pride and his own type of heroism in a long battle against a marlin. Santiago's wife had died years before and his only friend was a young boy named Manolin. Manolin was also a fisherman and had once worked with Santiago, but his parents made him leave to find a more successful …

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…measured the marlin's bones and realized that he was eighteen feet long. Santiago did not care, in his mind he had lost the battle and proved himself unlucky. But this did not lose the respect of his only friend, Manolin. Manolin saw the battle that old Santiago had fought in its true light. Not only had Santiago caught the marlin, but he had defeated several sharks. Unfortunately, Santiago could never see it in that light.