"Book of Job" and "Oedipus the King" by Robert Penn Warren.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Robert Penn Warren: The Book of Job and Oedipus the King A great man, by the name of Robert Penn Warren once said, "One of our deepest cravings is to find logic in experience, but in real life, how little of our experience comes to us in such manageable form. 'TELLING' is a way of groping of the logic of an event, and attempt to make the experience intellectually manageable. If a man who is …

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…comes to "The Book of Job" and Oedipus the King because in a man or woman's life he/she has control over certain things that occur to them, but sometimes must understand that things (good or bad) do occur to them because of fate. Even though people believe that their situation is determined by fate, the initial response to their predicament is emotional, but as time passes they move towards a rationalization of their circumstances.