Book Review on a book by Dean Koontz called Darkfall

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Title: Darkfall Author: Dean Koontz # Pages: 371 Date Published: February 1984 Type Novel: Fiction- horror Place/Time Setting: New York- September ~CHARACTERS~ Jack Dawson: He's a cop and his partner is named Rebecca and they have to crack a case with brutal voodoo-related murders. He is in love with Rebecca. Rebecca: Rebecca is Jack's partner and she is afraid to love him back. She doesn't believe in voodoo and magic. Penny Dawson: Jack's 12-year old daughter Davey …

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…The central concern of this novel is good will always win above evil. (I think...) <Tab/>I liked this novel a lot and it kept me hooked the whole time. Although I do feel that doing magic and voodoo is wrong I did like this book. Dean Koontz is an amazing writer, I like his books a lot. I would reccomend this book to anyone who likes a suspenseful fun book.