Book Review on John Steinbeck's The Red Pony

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Essay Database > Literature > English
A Boy and his Horse Steinbeck, John. The Red Pony. 1965: NewYork, NewYork, Penguin Books USA, Inc. 100p. <Tab/>"C'mon mom.... Can I keep it?? PLEEEAAASEE.... I promise I'll take good care of it. I'll feed it and train it and it'll teach me to be responsible!" It's possible that all children have used this line on their poor defenseless parents atleast once. Owning your first pet is like a right of …

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…be sacrificed to birth the colt. This book holds the special quality that a young and mature readers alike can enjoy; though they may draw different messages from it. It was simple enough for a middle school student to understand, but had deep universal themes for a high school student to analyze. Through strong themes and concise language, Steinbeck has created a timeless book of one boy's coming of age that any generation can value.