Book Review of 'Leap of Love: A Novella' By Catherine Lim

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Book Review 1.<Tab/>Summery What was the story about? Setting: i.<Tab/>Time: 1980 to 1992 ii.<Tab/>Place: Singapore iii.<Tab/>Main characters: Li-ann and Jeremy Synopsis: Li-ann young, bright, beautiful, a believer of true romance, had rejected all her many suitors, including K.S., waiting for her dream man. While running an errand for her mother on 29th …

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…all these years waiting for Jeremy. 2.<Tab/>Your recommendation Would you recommend this book to another person? Yes. What type of person would like this book? It would take a person of romance to like this book, one who would choose love over bread. One who strongly believes in fate and that dream men/women exist. One who dares to dream and would go all out to pursue his/her dreams.