Book Review: "The Penultimate Peril"

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Essay Database > Entertainment
The book, "The Penultimate Peril", written by Lemony Snicket is the 12 and next to last book in the series, A Series of Unfortunate Events. It a series that commonly dishes out comedy at the same time as the characters are in terrible peril. Three children, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire were orphaned in the first book by a fire that killed their loving parents, was called an accident by the media. The children were at …

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…reading a book in this series without reading all the ones before it, but that is all I can say against this book. Snicket's unique style of writing pleads you not to read the tragic books, but that is the exact reason that makes you want to read on. This is a funny series to read if you can wait the wait the year and a quarter or so between books for a short book.