Book Review: Sweet Chaos, The Grateful Dead's American Adventure by Carol Brightman

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If a Deadhead was to read Carol Brightman's book Sweet Chaos: The Grateful Dead's American Adventure, they would be in for a great deal of disappointment. This book is not about the Dead, rather, it is about Carol Brightman's sixties adventures. People love to talk about themselves, and Brightman has found a venue for her tales of "radicalism." By putting a picture of the Grateful Dead on the cover of her book, with no reference …

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…could be catastrophic for the Dead, but later speaks of tapers and how the Dead have strived to provide a venue for free music. Overall, this book is pitiful and if one wishes to learn about the Dead, there are many other books out there to fulfill that desire. Brightman's other wish is to convey stories of sixties radicalism, and there are also a plethora of well-written books on that subject that surpass Brightman's attempt.