Book Review, Forth Laurens 1778-1779

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Book Review of Fort Laurens, 1778-1779 The book begins with an explanation of how the American colonies were steadily winning in their effort for independence from Great Britain. However, the headquarters for British military in America was located in the west, inhabiting the area of Detroit. The British at Detroit served the needs of Indians well with blankets, bullets and whiskey; therefore 10000 Indians were attached to, or under influence of the British. American officials tried …

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…the book. The book gives in details the hardships the troops had to endure for America. I really understood how hard frontier life would be dealing with weather, food, and supplies while trying to confront a powerful enemy with allies. The accounts were amazing it seems like almost every detail was included on the subject. A good book, not too long but long enough to ensure a historically precise and thorough account of what happened.