Book Review, Creating a Perfect World,Religious and Secular Utopias in nineteenth-century Ohio

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Book Review Creating a Perfect World The introduction to this book focuses on how individuals have responded to economic, social, and political spheres changing. During the Great Depression some Americans participated in New Deal communities focusing on cooperative forms of living. In the 1960's due to the Civil Rights movement, the Vietnam War, and political division, some people created less conventional communes that they viewed superior. America's past reveals times when people attempted to create …

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…and how it met its demise. I gained much new information about these new utopias that developed in my home state. The only utopia I really new much about was the Mormons, and I was intrigued by the new information I learned about them. The book was interesting and an easy to read, being rather short and using simple language. I enjoyed reading this book and gained a great deal of new information of it.