Book Report on a book by Dean Koontz called Midnight

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Title: Midnight Author: Dean R. Koontz # Pages: 470 Date Published: January 1989 Type of Novel: Fiction- Horror Place/Time Settings: Moonlight Cove, CA- June ~Characters~ Sam Broker: Sam is an FBI agent and he has to save the townspeople from being converted. He falls in love with Tessa along the way though. Tessa Capshaw: Tessa's sister got murdered by one of the bad "converts". And that's what brings her to Moonlight Cove and to Sam and Chrissie …

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…concern of this novel is with help from friends you can beat just about anything. You can't do it alone. <Tab/>I like this novel because I couldn't put it down, like most of Dean Koontz's books. And it is really a page-turner and it has you guessing the whole time. I would most definately recommend this book to anyone who like excitement, suspense, horror, and a book the ends wonderfully.