Book Report on "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen.

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Book Report on Hatchet Brian Robeson is a thirteen-year-old from New York City. He is heading on a plain going from Hampton, New York to the Canadian north woods to visit . His parents just had recent divorce that affects him heavily, as does "The Secret" that is having an affair. It gives him a brief flying lesson in which Brian has control of the plane for a few minutes. The pilot has pain in his …

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…build a raft to do so. After many incidents, Brian retrieves the survival pack from the plane. At one point he drops the hatchet to the lake's bottom, but retrieves it with a long dive. On his way back up to the surface, Brian sees the dead pilot's head underwater, partially eaten by fish. Brian gets sick in the water but manages to make it back to his shelter to get some sleep. He survives.