Book Report of "The Crucible," by Arthur Miller

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Essay Database > Literature
The Crucible is about a severe killing of many innocent people in puritan society during the 17th century. At that time, people are filled with hysteria and phobias of witchcraft, which soon led to ridiculous accusations of innocent people. The main instigator of the story is Abigail Williams, a teenage girl who fell in love with a married man, John Proctor. Abigail feels that the only barrier between being together with John Proctor is Elizabeth …

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…to read and the difficulty of vocabulary is mediocre. I personally like the read nonfictions, but most nonfiction books are very tedious to read. Because this book is based on a true story, I took the book more seriously and thus I paid more attention to the storyline. Not only does The Crucible delineates McCarthyism, it is also a very good historical book that describes the Puritan lives during the pre-unification of the United States.