Book: "Mr. Murder" By Dean Koontz 6 passages from the book and one quote of the book both explaining them. plus conclusion

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PASSAGE NO. 1: "He was in its icy grip again, though for no discernible reason. Charlotte and Emily were healthy, well-adjusted kids. He and Paige were happy together - absurdly happy, considering how many thirty-something couples of their acquaintance were divorced, separated, or cheating on each other. Financially, they were more secure than they had ever expected to be. Nevertheless, Marty knew something was wrong." (11) This passage describes the perfect family life of Marty, but makes …

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…feelings. If those feelings surfaced, you can easily see Marty as a murderer. After reading this passage, I wondered if Marty is going to let those criminal feelings out. Maybe the murderer isn't the main character of this book. Maybe this book is primarily about a "normal" guy who is struggling with keeping his demons at bay, and until you reach the end of the book, you won't know whether he is successful or not.