Book Fair-Illiteracy

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
Abstract Funding a non-profit community book festival requires an approach that incorporates sound business reasoning as well as community involvement, sponsorship of local businesses, advertising, and a commitment to success from the group that is planning the festival. This group, Literacy for Kalamazoo, is committed to planning, advertising, and hosting the event, "Harvesting Readers." The research into fundraising, donations, planning, and a proposal to the city council are discussed. Book Festival The fitness craze is …

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…shows support literacy endeavors and agree that there is "nothing better you can do for your child" than to share the joy of reading ( The children of Kalamazoo are our children, our future resources; we can work with them and through them with the power of reading. <Tab/> References Flanagan, J. (1991) Successful fundraising: a complete handbook for volunteers and professionals. Chicago: Contemporary Books, Inc.<Tab/>