Bombardier-Opportunities for sustainable development

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Thank you for giving me this chance to propose my ideas on how our company can explore future opportunities and gain competitive advantage using sustainability as a strategy. I. Cost Savings I will begin with addressing the financial health of the company. I feel that the cost cutting initiatives taken so far are seeds sown that will yield benefits in the future (savings of $600 million annually after 2005) However Bombardier should focus on a limited number …

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…and excellence all around the world. But we are not alone in our quest. We have organizations like the AIAC to support us in our goal. With this, I'm calling upon you at the AIAC to champion the causes of the Canadian aerospace industry at large." The Aerospace Industry in Canada: Demonstrating Value, Speaking notes for Paul M. Tellier President and Chief Executive Officer Bombardier Inc.Montréal, October 6, 2003,