Bolshevik seizure of Power in 1917

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The year 1917 was a critical year for the people of Russia, and for the world at large. In March of that year, the last major autocratic government in Europe was overthrown, and was replaced with a republic. The new republic was controlled by two conflicting institutions, the Provincial Government and the Soviets. However, by November of that same year, the Bolsheviks had taken over control of Russia. The Bolsheviks were able to seize power because …

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…their resolve of a total revolution, the total overthrow of the Provincial Government. This revolution by force was contrary to the views of other prominent Bolsheviks, like Kamenev, before the return of Lenin. The final decision to arm the Red Army of the Bolsheviks led to the November coup, and that toppled the Provincial Government's control. It is fair to say the Provincial Government brought about their destruction, and gave way to the Bolshevik regime.