Body image
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Pages: 3
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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
"Whoever controls the media -- images -- controls the culture" ( MacLean, 2000, page 36). Body image is affecting Americans both health wise and economy wise. Steroid use is going up for children because of their body image. Children are also cutting down on food causing eating disorders like Anorexia ( a nervous loss of appetite). Barbie and G.I. Joe dolls cause a lot of children to worry about their body image. More should be done to help
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pressure about body image. You must be careful not to complain about your body image because it sends the wrong message to children. Body image is the main cause for eating disorders like Anorexia, Bulimia, and depression. Action figures are a big problem with boys that worry about body image and Barbie dolls for girls. So when you see a child with problems sit down with them, talk about their issues and find a solution.
pressure about body image. You must be careful not to complain about your body image because it sends the wrong message to children. Body image is the main cause for eating disorders like Anorexia, Bulimia, and depression. Action figures are a big problem with boys that worry about body image and Barbie dolls for girls. So when you see a child with problems sit down with them, talk about their issues and find a solution.