Bob Dylan and the protest movement of the 1960's

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The 1960s were a period of dramatic change from what seemed the simplistic 1950s. You could sense that when John Kennedy, the leader of Camelot and all that it represented, was assassinated in Dallas that an age of innocence in the United States (USA) was ending. However, while the tragic demise of Kennedy and his replacement by Johnson who appeared a throwback to an earlier era seemed to signal changing times, the issues were emerging …

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…known musicians of the last several of decades such as the Beatles, Rolling Stones and Jimi Hendrix played his songs which is the ultimate complement to a musician. Many of his songs have been recorded literally by hundreds of musicians that are not just a complement but would provide him with very large royalty payments. Moreover, Dylan's music played an important role in inspiring the protest movement of the 1960s that helped shape the world.