Bob Dylan

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Born on the 24th May 1941 in Duluth, Minnesota, USA as Robert Allen Zimmerman. His father Abraham, worked for the Standard Oil Company. When Robert was 6 years old, they moved to a small town called Hibbing were he went to school. After graduation from High School in 1959, he left for Minneapolis to follow his studies at the University of Minnesota. Here his love for contemporary rock and roll came up and he listened to endless music …

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…two year break, before he released in 1997 'Time Out Of Mind' which was his first Gold record. Then in 1997 Dylan's life really in danger, because of a bad infection. Thankfully, he recovered fast and received then the Kennedy Center Honors for achievements in the arts. In 2000, Dylan was awarded 'The Polar Music Prize' by the Royal Swedish Academy of Music for his 'Indisputable influence on the development of 20th century popular music as a singer-songwriter'