Bo Jackson

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1985 - Winner of the 51st annual Heisman Memorial Trophy as the Outstanding College Football Player in America ... Consensus All-American, tabbed by KODAK Coaches', Football News, Walter Camp, Football Writers, AP and UPI ... The Sporting News College Football Player-of-the-Year ... Walter Camp Outstanding Player-of-the-Year ... AP and UPI All-SEC selection ... Top vote-getter on SEC Coaches' All-SEC team Leading rusher (162.4 yd. gm.), leading scorer (9.3 p/gm.) and leading all~purpose runner (169.0 yd./gm.) in Southeastern Conference ... Rushed for 1,786 yards …

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…and a double ...His first home run hit the top of the lights in left-center field ... Named to All-District and All-Region teams by College Baseball Coaches Association ... Drafted by the California Angels organization. PERSONAL: Vincent Jackson Born 11-30-62 in Bessemer, Ala... Son of Mrs. Florence Bond ... Pursuing a degree in Family and Child Development ... Hobbies and Pastimes: Hunting, fishing, and playing with kids ... Favorite Food: Liver... Favorite Music: Jazz/Rock Favorite Singer: Tina Turner.