"Blindness" by Jose Saramago.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Blindness... The whole novel keeps the question "what if" in the back of your mind. You constantly wonder what if this really happened? What would I do? Well the world might just find out! SAARs the latest disease is very fatal and unfortunately very contagious. New York is already thinking about quarantining carriers of the disease as written in the Washington Post in the article Quarantine Island. Could this revert back and in some way …

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…Blindness vs. SARS. Is if coming true? Jose Saramago shows foreshadowing in his novel Blindness to what could possibly happen in the world. The exact story might not come true because of exaggeration, but the parallel does really make you wonder. SARS has introduced itself into the human race. Blindness tells of civilization as it takes a blow to the heart and how the few bounce back as they hit bottom and begin to adapt.