"Blessed the beasts and the children", by freeing others, we free ourselves.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
For a minute it was as it had been in the beginning, before evil, before death, when the earth was fair and all living things dwelt together as a kindered. "By feeing others, we free ourselves" is a quote that talks about the boys at the time when they were liberating the buffalos. It also says how the boys and the buffalos are related to each other, and why this animal is important in this …

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…beasts were both victims of society that surrounded them. In summary of the whole statement we can say that finally, for one or two minutes, the beast and the children were rejoicing quietly and feeling inside each one of them, that by freeing others, they finally free themselves. The inocent breath of the animals blessed them, and for a moment, beast and children were friends, there in the calm and lovely fields of the Lord.