Blance DuBois
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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
"Blanche DuBois in "A Streetcar Named Desire" is to some extent living an unreal existence." Jonathan Briggs, book critic for the Clay County Freepress.
In Tennessee Williams' play, "A Streetcar Named Desire" the readers are introduced to a character named Blanche DuBois. Blanche is Stella's younger sister who has come to visit Stella and her husband Stanley in New Orleans. After their first meeting Stanley develops a strong dislike for Blanche and everything associated with
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by trying to act like a lady, or trying to be what she thought a lady ought to be. Stanley, being as primitive as he was, would have liked her better if she was honest with him. But being brutally raped by him in the end destroyed her. He knew her, he made her face reality, and in a way he exposed her to the bright luminous light she could not stand all her life.
by trying to act like a lady, or trying to be what she thought a lady ought to be. Stanley, being as primitive as he was, would have liked her better if she was honest with him. But being brutally raped by him in the end destroyed her. He knew her, he made her face reality, and in a way he exposed her to the bright luminous light she could not stand all her life.