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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
The Fallen Angel: Analysis of the Final Scenes of Blade Runner. Director Ridley Scott's Postmodern reply to the modern consists of recognizing that the past, since it cannot be destroyed, because it's destruction leads to silence, must be revisited. So memories and emotions are meaningless without immortality. " Like tears in the rain." Director Scott has a chilling story to tell, and there is a complex web of allegory and meaning lurking in the background. The …

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…he cannot change, the hand of death. By the time Roy dies, he has redeemed himself by following in the footsteps of Christ. In order for God to forgive him, he spares the life of the men trying to kill him. As he dies a high angle frames a white dove flying free towards a clear sky. Finally his soul is purified. Scott, Ridley, dir. Blade Runner. With Ford and Rutger Hauer. The ladd Company. 1982