"Blade Runner" and "Brave New World" Comparative Study

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Aldous Huxley's novel 'Brave New World' and Ridley Scott's film 'Blade Runner', although different mediums, both explore the concept of 'In the Wild' by examining the fundamental relationship between humanity and the natural world. Both texts redefine the concept of nature to suit the context of the composer and to reflect the values and ethics of Huxley's 1930's era and Scott's 1980's influence. In their respective texts, both composers are questioning the inevitable decline of …

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…the viability of a truly stable government, whilst Ridley Scott's 1980's context during a period of fast moving technology and faster declining morals has led us to question nature's resilience against human greed. Yet both texts challenges and redefines the concept of 'In the Wild' to convey a message that ultimately warns us that should we not respect nature and it's relentless rhythms, the futures of 'BNW' and 'Blade' may one day be our own.