Blade Runner

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
BLADE RUNNER− Before I get into the incredible film techniques used in this film, I am going to give you a little synopsis and my reaction to the film. Deckard is a retired Blade Runner - a hunter of 'Replicants', (androids of the future created by the Tyrell Corporation to be "more human than human"). Replicants were declared illegal on Earth, but a group of the most advanced, the Nexus-6 Replicants, have hijacked a shuttle …

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…to pick out all the elements in the movie and would hinder my viewing experience. But I was surprised to find out that Blade Runner is a movie which its cinematic marvels jump out at you. Because of these techniques that can not be compared to any movie I have seen before you are drawn deeper and deeper into the film and it is not hard to see why this movie has such a following.