Black Elements of the film Taxi Driver

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Taxi Driver tells the story of a post-Vietnam veteran Travis Bickle, a loner suffering from insomnia, was driving in the mean streets of New York City, and was slipping slowly into isolation and violent misanthropy. Camera Ⅰ: Taxi was driving through the mist against the black background. Then the mist expanded. From Travis Bickle's eyes, we can feel that the streets full of the neon-lit were like a hell, strange and horrible. Then he found …

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…With numerous victims down, the camera moves overhead for a tracking shot that slowly puts the whole scene into perspective. The bloody dimly lit hotel room; the blood on the wall, and the stairs; as well as the gun shot scene, these are the black elements showed to us finally. In addition, the music throughout the whole movie, played by saxophone and sometimes the beating drum, not only let us feel dizzy, but also intensive.